domingo, 24 de septiembre de 2023


What is child malnutrition?

Child malnutrition is the result of insufficient food consumption and the repeated occurrence of infectious diseases. The first year of a child's life is essential for its growth, both for its physical and psychological development, which is why nutrition is so important at this stage of life, although it continues to be so at all stages of life. There are 3 types of malnutrition:

Severe or severe acute malnutrition: this is the most common form and urgent medical attention is necessary. It can be observed by weight, as it is well below the standard for the child's height and arm circumference.

Moderate acute malnutrition: This can be seen by the arm circumference, which is below the standard. Immediate treatment is necessary so that the disease does not progress further.

Chronic malnutrition: Stunting is present. This is measured by comparing the child's height with a recommended standard for the child's age. This disease is based on a lack of necessary nutrients over a prolonged period of time and leads to physical and mental retardation during the child's development.

What are the causes of childhood malnutrition?

The causes can be divided into three main groups:

Immediate causes: these are the causes that are most closely related to inadequate nutrition. That is, there is insufficient food consumption (in quality and quantity) and can lead to infectious diseases such as diarrhea, which worsens the situation.

Underlying causes: These are related to inadequate access to food, limited health care and ingestion of unsafe water.

Symptoms of childhood malnutrition

Some of the symptoms that determine this disease are: 

Weight loss.

Extreme pallor.

Sinking or bulging of the abdomen.

Protruding cheekbones.

Loss of memory.

Coldness in hands and feet.

Slow growth.

Dry skin.

Hair loss changing its color.

Feeling of fullness and heaviness after eating lightly.

Irregular menstruation or disappearance of the same.

Physical exhaustion.

Loss of muscular mass.


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